July 25, 2024
New JAMA paper shows Ivermectin blows the COVID vaccines out of the water

New JAMA paper shows Ivermectin blows the COVID vaccines out of the water

2.23.22 – Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter

“New JAMA paper shows Ivermectin blows the COVID vaccines out of the water”



Remember that “horse dewormer” that the FDA, CDC, NIH, CNN, and Sanjay Gupta all told you not to use? A new paper recently published in the Journal of the AMA (JAMA) shows that Ivermectin works way better than the COVID vaccine in keeping you from dying from COVID.

This was an open-label randomized trial done in Malaysia with around 250 patients…in each arm [group]. One arm [group] got IVM + standard of care, the other arm [group] got the standard of care.

Of course, JAMA never would have published this if they thought that people would actually look at the data. The abstract says: “The study findings do not support the use of ivermectin for patients with COVID-19.” You are supposed to read the abstract and believe that ivermectin has no effect.

Read the paper if you want the truth. If you want to be misled, just read the abstract.

Pierre Kory did a brilliant takedown of the paper on his substack. I won’t repeat that here. Instead, I’ll just summarize the data for you…

Interpretation of the data

Vaccine efficacy in the real world is quite small. If you got vaccinated, it reduced your chance of death by just 24%. However, the study did NOT look at the all-cause mortality of the vaccine (it only enrolled people who survived the vaccine)…

If you were not vaccinated (which you shouldn’t be), ivermectin reduced your chance of death by 72%.  So it was 3 times more effective than the vaccine…

If we want to reduce deaths, ivermectin is the way to go. Avoid the vaccine entirely.

There is no way you have a paper like this with 431,000 views and just two comments. This implies that virtually all the comments were counter-narrative and were censored from public view. That in itself is stunning.

Note that multidrug protocols that use ivermectin are much better than ivermectin alone. For example, the Fareed Tyson protocol has treated 10,000 people with no deaths, whereas in this study, 1 of the 75 unvaccinated people who got ivermectin died (1.3%). Multidrug protocols are clearly the way to go.

**Please do not overlook Dr. George Fareed and Dr. Brian Tyson’s protocol.  Once you read it, you will ask yourself, “Why have every doctor and healthcare facility in the United States not been recommending and following this protocol?  No wonder Drs. Fareed and Tyson have treated 10,000 people with this protocol, and there have been NO DEATHS!

12.12.20 — “Dr. George Fareed and Dr. Brian Tyson share early treatment protocol” — https://www.thedesertreview.com/news/dr-george-fareed-and-dr-brian-tyson-share-early-treatment-protocol/article_7728815e-3ca2-11eb-8a08-7b4b0156c181.html


It doesn’t get much better than this. A paper published in JAMA showing ivermectin is three times better than the vaccines in preventing death.

Combined with the risk data of the vaccines, it’s clear that if you are given a choice, you’d always choose ivermectin and never choose the vaccine.

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