July 23, 2024
Results Matter – TAG Ken Paxton Gets Results

Results Matter – TAG Ken Paxton Gets Results

Ken Paxton

“Results Matter – TAG Ken Paxton Gets Results”

By Donna Garner


It is a matter of record that a fellow conservative and I went to Austin in Feb. 2014 and made a video slamming Ken Paxton for his cowardice in pulling his name out of consideration at the last minute in 2013 when we were trying so hard to replace leftist Joe Straus (Speaker of the House). Ken Paxton was our choice because of his conservative record in the House; and because he caved, Texas was forced to endure Joe Straus and his left-of-center rule for yet another term.  Therefore, when Ken Paxton decided to run in 2014 for the TAG position, we could not support him. 

In spite of our efforts to defeat him, Ken Paxton won the TAG position on Nov. 4, 2014; and I decided to monitor carefully what he did in that position.  I signed up to receive all of the e-mailed notices coming out of his office.  Since then, I have been following his leadership very closely, keeping hundreds of those notices in a large file on my computer. 

Hands down, Ken Paxton has become the best TAG in my lifetime.  He has demonstrated how an authentic conservative leader with courage can put that conservative thought into the political arena. 

Because of Paxton’s guidance and well-articulated legal decisions, he has become the leader of other attorneys general around the country who are attempting to form a wall against overt and destructive liberalism. Their efforts are to protect the Constitutional rights of all citizens of their states. 

Before believing what the ultra-liberal Texas Tribune, the rest of the liberal media, and the four disgruntled ex-TAG employees say (which mysteriously always seems to appear right before elections), let’s think…

Who has proven himself since 2014 to be the most aggressive, unapologetic, and conservative leader of the TAG that our state has ever known?  Ken Paxon…

Why would Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick endorse Ken Paxton for re-election as TAG even in the primary?  Dan Patrick is the most aggressive, unapologetic, conservative leader, and head of the Texas Senate that our state has ever known.  

Why would Donald Trump have endorsed TAG Ken Paxton way back in July 2021?  Trump is the most aggressive, unapologetic, successful, and conservative President we have ever known. He took conservatism to an all new level.

Please remember that I do not personally know Ken Paxton, but I am vitally concerned about the future for our children and grandchildren.  What counts to me are those things that Ken Paxton HAS DONE as TAG to protect our state and nation. That record is clear and unquestionable.

I try very hard to ignore those liberals and their liberal media who have honed to perfection their abilities to “practice the politics of personal destruction” right before important elections.

We know Texas is under assault by the liberals, and I believe it is better to go with a tried and proven conservative rather than “iffy” candidates who would first have to go through a learning curve and then might fall short of the courage to take a stand “when the goin’ gets rough.”  

We have Ken Paxton’s record as TAG whereas we do not know what the other candidates might do.

To the best of my knowledge, the articles that I have posted below are as accurate as I could possibly make them. These two articles relate to the charges being made about Ken Paxton by four ex-employees.

10.5.20 — “Need To Reserve Judgment Until Facts Are Known about TAG Paxton” — By Donna Garner – EdViews.org —  https://www.educationviews.org/need-to-reserve-judgment-until-facts-are-known-about-tag-paxton/

10.8.20 — “Politics vs. TAG Paxton” — By Donna Garner – EdViews.orghttps://www.educationviews.org/politics-vs-tag-paxton/


The Texas Tribune and the other leftist media cannot be counted upon to cover the REAL problems we have in Texas; and here is what should be put at the very top of every Texans’ “worry list.”  The election integrity of our state hangs in the balance because of the decision made by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, and it was the courageous and very concerned TAG Ken Paxton who went on TV right during the busy Christmas holidays to warn our state and nation:

12.22.21 — “Disastrous Ruling in Texas by Little-Known Court Would Turn Texas Blue” — From Donna Garner – EdViews.orghttps://www.educationviews.org/disastrous-ruling-in-texas-by-little-known-court-would-turn-texas-blue/

12.23.21 — “Texas Candidates Bought by George Soros, Including District Attorneys” — By Donna Garner – EdViews.org

12.28.21 — “George Soros and His Diabolical Plan for Texas and the U. S.” — By Donna Garner – EdViews.orghttps://www.educationviews.org/george-soros-and-his-diabolical-plan-for-texas-and-the-u-s/

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